Changing Places ---- Blackburn
( Click on photos to bring them to full size )One of the purposes of the old Lancashire Re -united website was to get out and about in the county and show ex pats of towns they had moved from what changes where happening in there home towns.
This morning ( 23 Jan 2014 ) I took a hour or so in Blackburn and captured a few shots I hope you will enjoy seeing , even if your not from Blackburn .

In Shot can also see in shot 2 how they have unearthed the old tram linesas well as this a service pit was also found while excavations where taking place which has held up work on the site
A walk to the other side of this area where the old market once stood and you can now see preparations being made for the building of a new multi million pound bus station which is due to be ready I believe at the back end of this year
Onwards up CHURCH ST , past the mutli million pound extension to the MALL shopping center which now houses the NEW BLACKBURN MARKETS
You can see the THWATIES brewery in this pic we in this area thought we would be losing to a massive supermarket but it looks like agreements cannot be reached so for now the STAR brewery a local land mark is saved
On wards to another area of Blackburn that is having millions of pounds spent on it ,and now is becoming a sprawling area
Off Feilding St is where a new Swimming Pool /Sports cumpus and other class rooms for Blackburn Collage / University of Cumbria are being built
Its now onto Montague St
and from here you can see how this area is changing as its on the Orbital route which is now due to be completed now the old Police station on King William St has been demolished (pic below) and the graveyard to the rear of it is being cleared of those resting .
Its at this point I recall that some of my longstanding facebook friends and ex members of the old website lived in the BANK TOP AREA so its off I go to capture some shots there . This one shows just one of the many schools in the town have been rebuilt and are now ACADEMIES . Its St Winifreds ( now why does that GRANDMA WE LOVE YOU SONG KEEP POPPIN INTO MY HEAD )
Further on I walk not noticing how far I am walking , but noticing the shops around here are split between Polish grocers, butchers etc and Asian kabab shops , shish cafes and barbers
One thing those who lived here will be please to know is the old GRIFFIN PUB is still going as you can see in the distance of this shot
Time now was catching up with me so time to turn around and head back , up to back into the center of town past the building on KING WILLIAM ST that have been brought back to life ,
And back into Flemming Sq another area of change a night spot gone new apartments and offices built , oh the changes that have happened here in the 24 years I have been back in this area ( how many more can other remember )
So its back in the car and before I leave Blackburn another change I thought ex pats would like to see . The old INFIRMARY now long gone and new houses on an estate called THE ROYALS springing up . Yes Blackburn is changing , kind off make you wonder what it will be like in the next 24 years .
I hope you have enjoyed reading the blog , look forward to doing another soon from some else in the county soon
John Earnshaw